
Fascinating facts about our warm blooded friends - the mammals.

The kangaroo: All you need to know about Australia's most iconic animal - and its famous hop

Discover the world's biggest marsupial, the kangaroo, famous for its amazing hop

Four new cheetah cubs born in Saudi Arabia after 40 years of extinction

The birth of four Asiatic cheetahs is a huge sign of success for conservation efforts on the Arabian Peninsula.

Orangutans to be given as gifts to countries that buy large quantities of palm oil in a move, says Mark Carwardine, that defies logic

The Malaysian government has announced it will give orangutans to its trading partners such as the EU, the USA and China, in return for buying large amounts pf palm oil

Giant anteater twins filmed in Argentina for first time

The two pups can be seen clinging to their mother's back in Iberá Wetlands, north-east Argentina.

Camera traps offer glimpse of first beaver born in Northumberland for 400 years

Just over one month old, the baby beaver can be seen playing in the water with its mum at Wallington Estate in north-east England.

Unkillable lion: world's most invincible big cat filmed swimming across huge crocodile-infested river in Uganda

Gored by buffalo and poisoned by poachers, Uganda's famous 'lion with nine lives' has cheated death numerous times – and now he has been filmed swimming across the predator-infested Kazinga Channel.

New Zealand’s annual cat-killing competition condemned after record death toll

A total of 371 cats were shot, along with a range of other non-native wild and domestic animal species that are considered a threat to native wildlife.

“I was able to watch a live screen view of their beating heart." Watch the world's largest fish get a health check

Researchers have used ultrasound to monitor the health of free-swimming whale sharks in Australia.

Hippos can fly (sort of), finds new study

Scientists discover that hippos can become fully airborne up to 15% of the time when running full speed.

Stunning aerial video shows the world’s largest land mammal migration in South Sudan

The first-of-its-kind study revealed that six million animals take part in the annual Great Nile Migration.

Bears filmed frolicking in pools and eating popsicles as record temperatures hit India

As India logs a record-breaking 52.3 degrees Celsius, a group of rescue bears in the north-west of the country are finding ingenious ways to cool down...

Chimpanzees seen eating medicinal plants to help cure diarrhoea and infections

Chimps have a basic awareness of the healing properties of plants, a new study finds.

Elephants have names for each other, just like humans, study finds

Wild elephants give each other names in much the same we do, meaning they may also be capable of abstract thought, suggests new research published in Nature Ecology & Evolution.

Grizzly-polar bear hybrids extremely rare but predicted to rise with global warming, say scientists

Despite the expectation that 'grolar bears', or 'pizzly bears', are on the rise, hybridisation between grizzlies and polar bears is actually very rare, according to new research.

Elephant graveyards: is there any truth in the legend elephants go to a special place to die?

Stuart Blackman goes in search of the truth behind the famous legend of elephant graveyards.

Bornean clouded leopard family filmed in wild for first time ever

The extraordinary first-of-its-kind footage shows a family of endangered Bornean clouded leopards walking through a forest in Indonesian Borneo.

Three adorable baby beavers filmed "splashing around in the water" at a nature reserve in England

The beaver kits, which were captured on camera at Sculthorpe Moor Nature Reserve in Norfolk, bring England's population to around 500.

Prehistoric mini-ape discovered in Germany the smallest to ever live

The tiny new species of great ape unearthed at a fossil site in Bavaria may have weighed just 10kg, say scientists

At a staggering 3 metres tall the extinct prehistoric Gigantopithecus is the biggest ape ever, but it wouldn't be the heaviest...

Stuart Blackman takes a look at the contenders, past and present, for biggest ape in the world - including the real King Kong

The extinct, mighty prehistoric Acinonyx pleistocaenicus was the largest cheetah ever, weighing up to three times more than modern cheetahs

Learn about new fossil studies revealing its impressive size, making it the largest cheetah to have ever roamed the earth.
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