
Something amazing is happening on the side of this sleeping volcano – just 50 miles from Mexico City

Scientists are have come up with a plan that could help prevent one of the world's greatest migrations from collapsing.

It's not just humans who can place a bet. Science shows other primates can gamble too - but which are the savviest risk takers?

Like humans, other great apes can place a smart bet says Leoma Williams.

What to do if a snake bites you

If you get bitten by a snake stay calm, seek medical treatment and follow the following steps on your way to the hospital

Terrifying prehistoric sea monsters: 10 menacing ocean creatures that you'll be glad aren't alive today

The seas have been home to some monstrous creatures over the course of the last 500 million years. Here are 10 that you’ll be glad are long extinct…

Are any animals bulletproof?

There are some animals, says Ellen Husain, that seem to be able to deflect bullets...

"99 per cent of the species that have ever lived have gone extinct": Why life needs extinction and how it can be a force for good

Today, extinction is a term we associate with the spiralling loss of species at human hands. Yet it is also an entirely natural phenomenon that is as creative as it is destructive.

'Stage Zero' has arrived in Britain. Here's what that means

It may sound like something from a dystopian movie, but 'Stage Zero' has just created a paradise.

8 weirdest bird beaks: Discover some avian oddballs

Uncover the secrets behind their extraordinary beaks and what they reveal about their lifestyles.


How to identify wildlife


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