Stuart Blackman

Recent articles by Stuart Blackman

What's the most dangerous animal in the USA? And how deadly is it? The answer might surprise you...

What animals are in the running for the title of 'most dangerous animal in the USA'? Stuart Blackman takes a look at the contenders...

Weirdest spiders in the world – arachnophobes look away, these freakish (but fascinating) arachnids could give you nightmares

Check out the weirdest spiders in the world, from the curiously-named 'happy-bum spider' to a fearsome species that eats its sexual partner

Which animal has the biggest penis? (Hint: it's probably not what you think)

Penises come in a remarkable range of shapes and sizes, says Stuart Blackman, as he investigates which animal has the biggest

Cute but deadly velvet worm discovered in tropical forest of Ecuador fires goop from mouth to kill prey

It's the first newly described species of Ecuadorian velvet worm for over 100 years, say scientists.

What’s the hottest place on Earth? And where's the biggest desert?

Stuart Blackman takes a look at the hottest places on earth

What’s the most venomous scorpion in the world? And just how deadly is it?

Do scorpions deserve their fearsome reputation? Stuart Blackman takes a look

Weirdest plants in the world: Discover some of the planet's wackiest flora

Meet some of the weirdest and oddest plants on Earth.

Strange parasitic 'fairy lantern' plant that preys on fungi found in tropical forests of Malaysia 

The newly described Thismia malayana has golden, star-shaped flowers and parasitises subterranean fungi, say scientists.

Are there any albino plants?

Most people associate albinism with animals, but albino plants do exist says Stuart Blackman

Elephant graveyards: is there any truth in the legend elephants go to a special place to die?

Stuart Blackman goes in search of the truth behind the famous legend of elephant graveyards.

Can piranhas actually kill a human?

Could piranhas actually kill a human? Stuart Blackman takes a look at the evidence?

Sea lion vs seal: What's the difference between these two popular pinnipeds

How does a sea lion differ to a seal? Stuart Blackman takes a look

What's the prickliest plant in the world? You definitely don't want to get too close to these thorny, devilish species

Stuart Blackman takes a look at the contenders for the prickliest plant in the world

What is the biggest jellyfish in the world? Meet a monster jelly

What are the largest jellyfish in the world? And how big can they grow? Stuart Blackman takes a look

Which bird has the biggest toes? And just how are they able to walk on 'water'?

There's only one bird in contention for the title bird with the biggest toes says Stuart Blackman

Are there any plants in Antarctica? Discover the flora thriving in the cold, inhospitable wilderness

Antarctica's hostile conditions doesn't make it an ideal place for plants says Stuart Blackman, but there are some...

Why do cats have three eyelids?

Why do cats, and other animals, have a third eyelid yet humans don't? Stuart Blackman explains

Weirdest fish: 13 of the strangest fish in the world

Our seas are brimming with strange and wonderful creatures. Meet 13 of the weirdest fish in the world, which sport everything from super-long noses to golfball heads

Caterpillars are insects but have more than six legs. Here’s why

Discover the evolutionary marvels that contribute to a caterpillar's unique locomotion and survival strategies.

What is a cephalopod?

Cephalopods are an exclusively marine group comprising octopuses, cuttlefish, squids and nautiluses says Stuart Blackman

How long do birds live?

Just how long do birds live? Stuart Blackman takes a look at the lifespan of birds

Weirdest sea creatures - meet 13 strange sea creatures of the deep

Have you heard of the Johnson's abyssal seadevil? Read about this strange ocean animal and more in our guide to the world's weirdest sea creatures

Trillions of cicadas are about to emerge in the US in rare 'cicada-geddon' event

This spring, in as many as 16 states across the USA, 17- and 13-year cicadas are due to emerge at the same time, something that last occurred in 1803. What will happen?
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