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Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021 - sneak peek

Enjoy a sneak preview of 10 images taken from this year's Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards.

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Published: June 4, 2021 at 2:03 pm

The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards celebrates some of the funniest moments seen in wildlife and captured on camera. Now in its seventh year, the competition organisers have released a preview of entries already submitted from across the globe including a pouting boxfish from Curaçao, a laughing lion from Tanzania, and a prairie dog surprising a bald eagle in Colorado, before the competition closes on 30 June 2021.

About the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

The competition is open to both professional and amateur photographers who can submit up to 10 photographs across any of the six categories and is free to enter. Categories include Land, Air, Underwater, Juniors (for photographers aged 16 and under), Portfolio (a selection of four images), and Video Clips. The overall winner will receive an incredible one-week safari in the Maasai Mara, Kenya as well as the title of the Comedy Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2021.

Competition judges include wildlife photographer Will Burrard-Lucas, TV presenter Kate Humble, actor and comedian Hugh Dennis, Co-Founder of The Born Free Foundation Will Travers OBE, travel editor Neil Stevenson, co-founder of Amazing Internet Andrew Skirrow, managing director of Affinity Photo developer Serif Ashley Hewson, image expert Celina Dunlop, and conservation ambassador Bella Lack.

Fancy learning to take your own wildlife photography? Check out our Wildlife Photography Masterclass series hosted by professional photographer Mark Carwardine for advice and inspiration.

To view the images as a slideshow, click on the arrows in the top right hand corner of the photos below.

Monday Morning Mood: Pied Starling in South Africa. © Andrew Mayes.
Monday Morning Mood: Pied Starling in South Africa. © Andrew Mayes.

Monday Morning Mood: pied starling in South Africa. © Andrew Mayes.

Bald Eagle Gets a Surprise: Bald Eagle & Prairie Dog. © Arthur Trevino
Bald Eagle Gets a Surprise: bald eagle and prairie dog. © Arthur Trevino
ROFL: Young lion in Tanzania. © Giovanni Querzani
ROFL: Young lion in Tanzania. © Giovanni Querzani
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021 Kevin Biskaborn Barrie Canada Phone: Email: Title: Quarantine Life Description: Isolated inside with your family eager to get out and explore the world? These eastern raccoon kits are too. Just when you think there's no more room in the tree hollow, mother raccoon appears and displays just how compact the space is. The babies clambered all over their mom and each another, struggling to take a look at the exact same time. This photo was taken in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. After exploring a particular area with numerous tree hallows, I identified it as a hot spot for raccoon families. Since raccoons will move from den to den, often not spending more than one night at a time in a particular den, locating an area with numerous options is key to locating the animals. I stumbled across this family and immediately worked on leveling the camera with the hole to prevent an upward angle. When the camera and tripod were ready, the baby raccoons were extremely curious (and cooperative), sticking their heads out for a closer look! Animal: Raccoon / Procyon lotor Location of shot: Southwestern Ontario, Canada
Quarantine Life: Racoons, Canada. © Kevin Biskaborn
Yoga Bittern: Yellow Bittern in Singapore. © KT Wong
Yoga Bittern: Yellow bittern in Singapore. © KT Wong
Missed!: Western Grey Kangaroo, Australia. © Lea Scaddan
Missed!: Western grey kangaroo, Australia. © Lea Scaddan
Yay - It's Friday!: Springbok, South Africa. © Lucy Beveridge
Yay - It's Friday!: Springbok, South Africa. © Lucy Beveridge
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021 Philipp Stahr Mannheim Germany Phone: Email: Title: Sweet lips are for kissing! Description: This picture was taken at Curaçao, Dutch Caribbean. Usually box fishes are difficult to take pictures of, since they do not have a problem of a diver coming close, but if you show interest, they always turn the back and not the face to you. That’s why I tried to swim 0.5m above the fish and showing no interest at all to him. The same time I had my camera not in front of me, but below at my chest pointing to the bottom. When the right moment had come, I turned the camera 90 degrees to the front and just point and shoot, hoping to have the fish in focus. Never expected to have its beautiful lips that close! Animal: Boxfish Location of shot: Curaçao, Dutch Caribbean
Sweet lips are for kissing: Boxfish, Curaçao. © Philipp Stahr
Cranky hippo: Hippo in Malawi. © Rohin Bakshi
Cranky hippo: Hippo in Malawi. © Rohin Bakshi
Happy: Penguin, Falklands. © Tom Svensson
Happy: Penguin, Falklands. © Tom Svensson
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021 Txema Garcia Laseca Palma Spain Phone: Email: Title: “Houston, we’ve had a problem†Description: This fish is astonished when has been trapped for a fisher bird. Animal: Amazon Kingfisher (Chloroceryle amazona) Location of shot: Pantanal (Brazil)
Houston - we've got a problem!: Amazon Kingfisher, Brazil. © Txema Garcia Laseca
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