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Scariest spiders: 8 arachnids that may give some people the creeps

Here are some of the scariest spiders on the planet - but remember only a very few pose any real threat to humans, so rather than hate them, marvel at their prowess and ingenuity instead

Published: July 27, 2023 at 1:36 pm

From ambushing its prey to shooting venoms - and even building webs strong enough to catch small birds - spiders are armed with all sorts of ways to catch their prey. It's no wonder they evoke nightmares!

Meet some of the scariest... and most ingenious spiders on the planet - and learn to love them rather than hate them!

8 of the scariest spiders

Spotted wolf spider

© AfroBrazilian, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
© AfroBrazilian, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Range: British Isles

Size: 1cm (body) 3cm (legspan)

Venom: yes

Hunting style: Ambush

Fear factor: The UK’s tiny suburban terror scuttles around gardens fast – very fast. Fast enough to give you the creeps at the thought of them scuttling indoors...while you're asleep

Common brown trapdoor spider

Common brown trapdoor spider
© Johan C.G. Fagerholm, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Range: Australia

Size: 1.5cm (body) 3.5 cm (legspan)

Hunting style: Ambush - pounces from a hidden lair

Fear factor: Lies in wait in its silk-lined burrow, ready to pounce as prey wander past. Can get mistaken for the funnel-web spider

Black widow

Range: North America

Size: 1.5cm body 3cm legspan

Venom: yes

Hunting style: web

Fear factor: Female venom can cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fainting and even death in humans.

Sun spider (Solifugid)

Range: Middle East

Size: 5cm (body) 12.5 cm legspan

Venom: no

Hunting style: ambush

Fear factor: Huge-fangged arachnid that skitters across the desert at speeds of up to 16kph - you wouldn't want that chasing you....

Goliath bird-eating spider

Range: South America

Size: 12cm (body) 28cm (legspan)

Venom: yes

Hunting style: burrow and ambush

Fear factor: being the size of a dinner plate – and the largest spider in the world - is probably enough to evoke fear - but if not it also fires irritant hairs if alarmed - nice!

Spitting spider

spitting spider

Range: Europe

Size: 2mm (body) 5mm (legspan)

Venom: Yes

Hunting style: Spitting

Fear factor: Squirts a jet of sticky venom, bonding prey to the ground

Sydney Funnel-web spider

© Getty Imaqges
© Getty Imaqges

Range: Australia

Size: 4cm (body) 7cm (legspan)

Venom: Yes

Hunting style: burrow and ambush

Fear factor: very aggressive and with a venom humans find agonising. We named it one of the world's most venomous spiders

Golden orbweb spider

© Getty Images
© Getty Images

Range: South East Asia and Australia

Size: 3.5cm (body) 20cm (legspan)

Venom: Yes

Hunting style: web (up to 1m across)

Fear factor: Weaves vast golden web strong enough to catch small birds

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