

Was this man really swallowed by a whale? Experts analysed the video and here’s what they think

Whale experts say the news "is not quite what it seems” as a humpback whale’s throat is no bigger than a human fist.

"Who would have thought it would be so frilly!” See moment a cheeky baby whale sticks its tongue out

The little whale can drink up to 80 litres of its mother's milk every day to grow big and strong – and its tongue helps it do this.

Genetic mutation discovered in rare Italian bears – and it could help save them

Only around 50 critically endangered Apennine brown bears remain in the rugged mountains of central Italy.

Monstrous deep-sea fish filmed in daylight for first time ever

Most people never see this bizarre fish in their lifetime – these researchers found one by accident.

Here’s what the first-ever detailed drawing of a deep-sea mountain looks like

The beautiful yet scientifically accurate illustration depicts the diverse life found on a little-known seamount in the central Pacific.

Like maggots on a wound, these surprising creatures could help heal dying coral reefs around the world

Scientists have discovered that a species of crab that feeds on the dying tissue of corals could help protect stressed reefs during heatwaves.

Penguin's-eye view: take a bumpy ride into the deep blue with this spellbinding footage from Antarctica

Amazing footage lets people join a Adélie penguin as it glides through the water.

These lions were tracked for eight years through the vast plains of Zambia – now researchers have found something

The study was conducted in Zambia’s Greater Kafue National Park and involved 358 lions.

The International Shark Attack File report has just been published – unprovoked shark bites plummeted in 2024

Unprovoked attacks dropped to 47 with just four fatalities, according to the Florida Museum of Natural History's new report.

Rare black wolves caught on trail camera in Polish forest

Experts think the wolves picked up the abnormal appearance from interbreeding with domestic dogs.

When fossil hunters found an ancient sinkhole in a Florida river, they couldn’t believe what was inside it

The preserved chasm contained an incredible 552 fossils, including the remains of giant sloths, huge armadillos and prehistoric horses.

“This does not look like normal hunting behaviour”: remarkable footage shows orcas hunting in a way never filmed before

The pod of orcas was filmed playing with their food – but not for the reason you might think.

We finally know why polar bears don't freeze in Arctic waters

A new study has revealed that polar bears have anti-icing properties in their fur.

A view most humans will never see – rare and moving footage of whale mother and calf

The critically endangered North Atlantic right whale population is threatened by ship strikes, entanglement and climate change.

This new species has been named after a character from Studio Ghibli – here's why

Chinese researchers have discovered a new fish species, naming it after a Studio Ghibli character because of its face paint-style markings

How DNA extracted from forest air could help protect one of West Africa's rarest animals

By analysing DNA collected from air and soil samples, scientists can figure out if any of it belongs to the West African chimpanzee, which in turn can help inform conservation efforts.

Scientists spent decades watching a rare creature on an island near Miami – now they've discovered something unexpected

The researchers, who have been working on Elliott Key since 1985, say the animal has developed an unusual relationship with hurricanes.

This bizarre tree-dwelling animal from California just got even weirder – and there's footage to prove it

Scientists have discovered that a strange creature, known for its incredible skydiving leaps through the redwood trees of north-west California, has blood-powered toes. And they think they know why

"That's where I met the snake!” Watch moment diver comes face-to-face with one of the ocean's most deadly, venomous creatures

Diver and video journalist Nina Konstantin bumped into the highly venomous banded sea snake whilst exploring the tropical waters around the island of Kofiau.

Something breathtaking has just been pulled from the steaming springs of Yellowstone National Park

Researchers say that what they found in the thermal springs could help them understand how ancient life adapted to an oxygen-filled world.

When three students in California baited their campsite with cat food, an elusive creature crawled out from beneath them

Until now, the species was the only mammal in California that hadn’t been recorded on camera, say the researchers.

Storm bird: this 22-second video of a barnacle goose flying in heavy rain is pure bliss

These majestic birds spend winter in south-west Scotland, commuting daily between feeding areas and roost sites.

Tiger poachers use fishing boats to smuggle body parts in Asia, finds new study

An important new study has revealed the role the fishing industry plays in illegal wildlife trafficking in Malaysia and Vietnam, with ramifications for the future of Asia’s tigers.

'No Access' badger wins Wildlife Photographer of the Year People's Choice Award 2024

A curious badger, an erupting volcano and a ghostly barn owl all win prizes in this year's People's Choice Award.
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