Speciality Monthly walks and natural-history talks in Nottinghamshire
What they say The group aims to promote interest in local wildlife, with monthly walks and expert talks on a range of topics.
What we say They are fortunate to have Attenborough Nature Reserve on their local patch.
Want to join the club? The group is a branch of the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust, but most activities are open to non-members. You can find out more at or by emailing
What Guided walk (no dogs)
When 10am on Saturday 21 June
Where Nature Centre Car Park, Attenborough Nature Reserve, Barton Lane, Attenborough, Nottinghamshire, NG9 6DY
In early summer the 220ha reserve’s wetland habitat will be bursting with nesting warblers, including reed, chiffchaff and blackcap.
The group hopes to see nesting great crested grebes, black-headed gulls and possibly little ringed plovers on the sandy scrapes.
The three-hour walk visits nature hotspots, including the new sand martin hide on the peninsula.
Binoculars can be hired from the Nature Centre.
Each month, we feature a natural history club in the magazine and an exciting upcoming event the club has planned.
Are you a member of a natural history club? If you want your club or event to be featured in BBC Wildlife Magazine, email using the subject line ‘natural history club’. We’d love to hear from you.