Ever wanted to name a dinosaur? Now's your chance

Scientists who discovered a green dinosaur skeleton in the US are asking the public to help name it.

Joro spider guide: what are they, do they bite and are they poisonous? Here's everything you need to know

What are Joro spiders, are they dangerous to humans and how did they come to make a home for themselves in North America, far from their east Asian native range?

“Any environmental campaigner who does protest risks imprisonment,” says Mark Carwardine, after UK toughens up its protest laws

Two new laws give British authorities nearly total discretion as to which protests and marches should be subject to restrictions says Mark Carwardine

'Lord Sauron piranha': scientists name new Amazon species after terrifying Lord of the Rings villain 

The newly described fish – named after Middle Earth's powerful Lord Sauron – is vegetarian, eating mainly plants.

What is the deepest part of the ocean? And does anything live there?

How deep is the deepest part of the ocean? And can anything live in these extreme hostile conditions? We investigate

Do ostriches really bury their heads in the sand?

Why do we say ostriches bury their heads in the sand - and do they really bury their heads? Stuart Blackman looks at the evidence and how this saying originated

Elephants have names for each other, just like humans, study finds

Wild elephants give each other names in much the same we do, meaning they may also be capable of abstract thought, suggests new research published in Nature Ecology & Evolution.

Invasive Joro spiders are spreading up the US east coast. Experts reveal what to expect

The venomous spiders, native to east Asia, are predicted to inhabit most of the eastern US in coming years.

Grizzly-polar bear hybrids extremely rare but predicted to rise with global warming, say scientists

Despite the expectation that 'grolar bears', or 'pizzly bears', are on the rise, hybridisation between grizzlies and polar bears is actually very rare, according to new research.

Cocaine smuggling is a threat to critical bird habitats in Central America. Are anti-narcotic operations making the problem worse?

Cocaine trafficking poses a substantial threat to several bird species, including the endangered golden-cheeked warbler, finds study.


How to identify wildlife


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